Wednesday, December 26, 2012

From a distance

Today, have a character receive a letter from themselves. Having thought themselves exceedingly clever, the past version of this character meticulously detailed everything that would have to happen to achieve some far-flung dream.

Naturally though, the present version of this character has done none of these things, and instead, let life take them where it chooses.

Does the arrival of such a letter prompt a change in the character's behavior/course of action? What sort of goal might the character in the past had? Is there any reason why they might start chasing dreams from years ago just at the push of a letter's will?

We'll see if anyone submits anything for the bestof contest, if not, then I'll just dole them out to whomever I can find, though I've got a few people in mind. In the meantime, enjoy!

submitted by legoland12342

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Jetlag corporation

A sign that advertises "Your home for all of your time-adjustment needs." A group of travelers, seemingly hailing from otherworldly places. Perpetually happy yet strained staff, scurrying about.

These are but many things that may accent a business that seeks to fulfill the needs of those attempting to adjust to different time cycles. As finding a world that is similar in every way to Earth is rather unlikely, what sorts of people might find their way into such a place? How do they cope with living in different time cycles? How common are such places?

Though my ideas are a bit jumbled, hopefully you all can make something of it!

submitted by legoland12342

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

The new world

In honor of all those tearing themselves and their lives apart over the supposed predictions of a long-dead society.

Though I'm being facetious, it did inspire me, in a way. Hearing reports of those that ended up offing themselves because they believed that the end of the world would arrive, or likely others that holed themselves up in their houses, stockpiling food and water in order to fend off...whatever it was that would end the world.

For us, life continues on as normal.

But for them, the world did end. At least, as how they chose to perceive it.

Write a story about someone who has to cope with readjusting back into society, following their belief that the world would end on the 21st. Why did they believe it in the first place? What sort of measures did they take in order to protect themselves and withdraw? Are they able to function normally?

Have fun!

submitted by legoland12342

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/r/promptoftheday: best of 2012, and the year in review

It's been a curious year with you all. With the founding moderators having stopped their submissions sometime in January of last year, I started submitting prompts sometime in February, eventually gaining control of the subreddit sometime in May/June. Then I myself stopped submitting regularly once I left for China, and I'm well aware that I need to get my brain back into actively writing again.

But you're all still here, more or less. I regularly receive stories in my inbox from people digging through old posts, and I do read through all of them, even if I don't comment on them. We've got an interesting relationship here, believe me, but I'll stick around, if you all will.

With that being said, this year, the collective reddit admins have decided to give us various moderators the ability to give reddit gold for various winners in categories we decide on; decentralization is the way of the future, apparently.

And so, here are your categories:

  1. Best prompt submitted in the past year (from someone other than myself)

  2. Best response to a prompt this year

Aside from it being a way to get the community involved, for us personally, it's a way for others to look back and discover old posts, and "hidden gems" in the subreddit, stories others might have otherwise overlooked.

Leave your nominations in the comments below, and I'll be handing out the awards (a month of reddit gold to each of the winners) sometime next week!

Oh, and prompt forthcoming, too.

submitted by legoland12342

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Monday, December 10, 2012

In excess

Having successfully moved myself from middle China to Shanghai for a few days, hopefully I'll be able to put out another prompt or two while I'm here.

Today, imagine story of a someone who, after every day of work, goes up to the bar in their office building, before heading underground, back to their company-funded apartments, without ever heading outside. Much like a more extreme version of the shut-in, except the working woman/man lives and exists simply in their own environment.

What sort of mindset would get ingrained into someone after spending far too long in such a place? Stockholm syndrome?


submitted by legoland12342

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The gardener

After a bit of a hiatus, I've returned with another prompt. No idea when I'll come up with the next once, but we'll see.

Today, imagine a pair of characters, an old blind woman, and a gardener. The old woman, having lost her sight years ago, has quite the active imagination for someone her age, and continually makes requests of the gardener, who doesn't enjoy his work. Such requests might be employing creative use of geometry and the hedges, working on carefully pruning each of her trees to be exactly alike, and other such oddities.

Does the gardener actually accomplish his work? Does he lead the old woman around, describing to her the things she cannot see again?


submitted by legoland12342

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Irminsul, le pilier du monde

Translated from French and borrowed from the French musical act Damabiah, it means "Irminsul, the pillar of the world." As far as I've discovered, the Irminsuls were an object of worship in the pagan tradition in Saxony England (pre-1000 CE). As for their actual one really knows.

Thus! For today's prompt, I've got two suggestions for you all, though you're welcome to create whatever you'd like. The first is looking at it from the historical perspective, that is, wondering about the Irminsul as someone who's beginning to explore the significance of a pillar erected to the skies.

The second is a much more figurative interpretation, that is, consider creating such an Irminsul for a character of yours, not even necessarily of this world. Insurmountable, perplexing, and designed to pique the curiosity of the character in question, attempt a symbiotic relationship between the pillar and your character, if at all possible.

In any case, I'll be back tomorrow!

submitted by legoland12342

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ghost in the machine

The Turing test. A comprehensive test designed to see if a computer program can adequately fool a human into thinking that it is one of them. As it stands currently, no one has been able to design one that can, to little surprise from many in the computer engineering field.

Today, design a lonely artificial intelligence, and proceed to flesh it out through character interactions. Whether this is through it being an older machine, and someone stumbling across it, or it just being abandoned, give it someone to talk to, and make some conversation from that.

What's it like, being trapped in a machine? How did it get to be lonely? Does it wish things had turned out differently?


submitted by legoland12342

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Monday, November 12, 2012


Inspired in part by a short story of mine that I've been working on lately, suffering from both writers' block and generally being arse.

Anyway, today, write about someone who literally hitches a ride with some unknown vehicle, whether that be a train, ship, aircraft, or whatever, in order to get somewhere other than here. However, upon making their way inside, they discover the craft itself is entirely vacant, yet entirely operational, leading to a round of questions.

Focus on the character you've chosen to write about, and their immediate reaction to their situation. Do they attempt to leave the vehicle somehow? Do they work out where they're headed, and simply enjoy the ride?

I'll be back tomorrow (hopefully) with more for you all!

submitted by legoland12342

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Forgot to put this one up last night.

Today, imagine the thoughts of someone about to slip into a deep sleep, heading on some sort of interstellar journey. As they look out beyond their shuttle, into the creeping infinity of space, what are they feeling? Nervous? Excited? Scared?

Ponder this as you write on it, and hopefully I'll be back later with more things for you all to write about!

submitted by legoland12342

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Putting up writing prompts every Wednesday (starting today)

submitted by vnoir

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Radio transmissions into the dark

As Voyager manages its way through and out our solar system, among a myriad of other sources of inspiration congealing in my mind, I came up with another pair of prompts for you all. Funny how space has that effect on people.

Today, write about someone who claims to be an extraterrestrial, yet they seem to be an entirely normal human being. Whether or not their origin is as they claim is up to you, but in their mind, they are an alien. Give them a few personality quirks besides their supposed status, too, such as contacting "the mothership," attempting to find traces of fellow aliens on earth, and generally trying to prove their existence in any way possible.


submitted by legoland12342

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Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today, create a character who is well-respected in their chosen profession, only for them to go out of their way to do something completely out of the ordinary, disregarding bystanders and their reputation. The example that created this particular prompt was a businessman, still in full work attire, bending down and listening for an oncoming train in the middle of a city, though you're welcome to craft your own.

Does the character themselves recognize this rather peculiar act? Does anyone alert them to this immediately after? What about other influencing factors?

I'll be back tomorrow with another prompt, but until then, enjoy!

submitted by legoland12342

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Up in the air

The theme of "the message in a bottle" is a common one across many forms of romantic literature and movies, much less art forms in general. Typically packed full with unfulfilled desires and dreams, it's a way for someone, anyone, to wonder about what could have been, and possibly rescue the sender from their tedium.

Or something.

Today, write about someone who's done a slight variation on that. That is, someone who's attached either map coordinates, or some sort of note to lanterns/balloons, and sent them into the sky. When the recipient of such notes manages to find the sender however, they find them desiring no conversation, or general interaction with anyone who may have discovered their letters.

Why might this be? Who would search out someone who took the time to send letters across the world, seemingly at random? What does either party hope to get out of the situation?


submitted by legoland12342

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Verbal fisticuffs

Bit of a shorter one today, as it's nearly 3am in my current location.

Today, imagine in place of boxing, two opponents who spar using words, ruled over by a set of judges and a referee or two, and each with their own requisite fans. They themselves belong to a larger organization that specializes in settling disputes in "the ring."

Imagine a setting for these characters, not even necessarily a fight between them. What are such "weapons of choice?" How did such a system come about?

Bit of a metaprompt today, but I shall hopefully come up with something for you all tomorrow!

submitted by legoland12342

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lines in the sand

Considering the magnitude of the technological developments in the past century or so, I'm surprised that someone hasn't figured out how to cross various desert climates quickly and efficiently, without resorting to flying. The creation of a literal "sand crawler," if you will.

Today, write about someone who's transformed a normally water-bearing ship into one that can easily traverse sand, currently in the middle of their journey across one of the many deserts in the world.

What initially drove them to modify their ship? Do they intend to provide services for others, or simply have it for their own personal uses? Is anyone else along for the ride? How secretive are they about the technology they've managed to develop?


submitted by legoland12342

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Monday, October 22, 2012


I've had a weird fascinating with trains lately. Typically stylized artwork of trains, doing...train things. I dunno.

Anyway, as I am preparing for my yearly foray into National Novel Writing Month, I've been coming up with more and more ideas that can be fleshed out, or others that can simply be set aside for a later date. This is one of those prompts.

Place the character in a train station. A grand testament to the architect's talent and the impressive collaboration of human progress, only missing two things: the trains themsevles, and the people. Have the character strike up a conversation with someone claiming to be "the conductor" of a train.

What do they talk about? Why isn't there anyone else around? Why is the other person in the conversation claiming to be a conductor, whether or not they actually are one?


submitted by legoland12342

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Butterfly net

As I'm sure we've all faced, it'd be nice to be able to visualize our constant sources of inspiration, our motivation, and can it, putting it into a jar, and tapping the sides in order to have it spawn some form of inspiration. If the lack of prompts over the past few months is any indication, I could certainly use some.

In any case, write about someone who attempts to manifest their inspirations, their creativity, and jar it for their own personal use. Barring the question of why (as hopefully, your story should show, not tell this), how did such an idea come about in the first place? To what lengths is the central character willing to go to achieve their goals? Is this a common practice?

Think about these questions and many more as you write about this mildly meta prompt!

submitted by legoland12342

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mountain man

Wouldn't it be nice if there was someone who traveled the world, imparting infinite wisdom to all who came to see them? Or perhaps, even just reaching a destination that ended up enlightening the travelers along the way?

Today, write about such a mythical place. Have your character encounter fantastical tales about the knowledge that others have supposedly gained, and, having nothing better to do, decide to trek up the requisite mountain for themselves.

What do they find in the cave? Would such a person exist, or would it just be teachings and scribblings left behind for others to pour over? Do they discover something along the way regardless?


submitted by legoland12342

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Monday, October 15, 2012

The stories between you and I

It can be argued (along with many other points of view) that the universe is made up of stories. Stories between people, families, places, hell, this entire subreddit is dedicated to writing stories based on the ideas of others. In a way, a microcosm is formed between users behind screens, likely hundreds of miles/kilometers/what have you away.

Today, take the ideas of stories forming people and take it literally. That is, what if people were represented by the stories they all carried and had to tell inside them? How would it change the interactions between people? To see an outstretched arm and instead of tattoos, reading into someone's personal history would certainly be off-putting to many, but it's something to think about.


submitted by legoland12342

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A Dysfunctional Family

submitted by KiroTheYoyo

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Thursday, October 11, 2012


Fraught by, as many are, thoughts about what to do during their dying years, many people will travel around the world, seeing all that the can and hoping that something, anything, is memorable for them and for others. But what happens after? The idea of "leaving a legacy" is part of the eternally desirable 'American Dream,' to leave a mark on as many as possible, as either a sign of your greatness, or humbleness.

Today, write about someone who does that through song. Faced with their rapidly approaching death, someone decides to record themselves in song, and leave a note behind with it. What would such a song sound like? Is there any clues as to who they were specifically? What about the note? Is it more about the legacy and their lasting mark after their death, or what happened during their lives?


submitted by legoland12342

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lightning flowers

After a few unexpected delays in my return, along with a lack of internet at the dorm I'm staying at, I've come back from the highlands of Tibet, fresh with experiences and prompts.

First up, a relatively shorter one that popped into my head: write about a pair of stormchasers that follow thunderheads and other such systems if only in search of the elusive "lightning flower," which is a lightning strike that looks, unsurprisingly, like a flower.

What happens to them when they encounter such a flower, if ever? What gives them the opportunity to chase such storms? How are they planning on recording such a moment?

I'll be back with many more prompts before long!

submitted by legoland12342

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So I'm givin this a shot since legoland is partying in Tibet.

Pick your favorite color. Then in the room you are in or outdoor area or whatever look for things that color. The order is very important so take the FIRST FIVE things that color that you set your eyes upon and write about them. Here's the twist: in your piece you have to change them all to another color but the same color. (I.E. you pick five blue things you change them all to yellow) Enjoy!

submitted by hpuck55

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Anyone else do this?

So me and two of my friends started this game; they would text me a prompt, a random word that just popped into their head, and I would try to write a poem with that word in it, or about that word. Most of my poetry manuscript is made up of poems created this way and I'm curious if anyone else has done this?

submitted by inkarmybrat

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Lead Man

Write about the birth of an abnormal super power.

submitted by jasonbeastt

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Friday, October 5, 2012

Since no one is posting prompts I guess I'll give it a try.

Write about a game show. I could be the story of contestants competing together or against each other. If together what is their relationship. What is the game show, what do you win, why did they want to get on it? Not sure if this is too specific or not. Feel free to use the prompt as loosely as possible.

submitted by lowScore

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

[Mod post] Out of town for the next week

As I am heading to Tibet for about a week or so, I'm not bringing my laptop for safety reasons, meaning that I'm relying on you all to post prompts in my absence.

Be creative, and I'll see you all soon!

submitted by legoland12342

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Monday, September 24, 2012

The craters in your face

Today's prompt asks you to, once again, dive into the world of the unusual for your artistic inspiration. Write about someone's face (not necessarily someone you know) as if it were a natural landmark, being shaped and shifted by the elements over time.

Alternatively, take the title and completely run with it! Have fun!

submitted by legoland12342

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Photo negative

So, quite obviously, my hope for the next week (that I'd be able to post a prompt every day, no worries) fell through, leaving all of you high and dry in terms of actual writing material. I'm not sure how many people are still regularly around, though I do get stories in my inbox every now and then, making it a point to read them, even if I don't offer any criticism myself.

Anyway, for this prompt, I'm going to send you along a journey that I've currently been encapsulated by myself. That is, I was struck with a bizarre amount of inspiration this morning, and have set to work on my next (longer) short story.

Today, write about an amateur avant-garde film director, who shot, produced, and edited the entire film themselves. In the meantime, however, splice sections of the film that are playing with other scenes, of other people, perhaps from the film, perhaps from other characters' points of view. At the end, use the film once more in order to unite both storylines.

Sound sufficiently confusing? As you can see, it's got a bit of work yet, but I've got high hopes for you all as writers, though we all come and go from time to time, we've all ended up here for a reason, if not by choice. I hope you enjoy!

submitted by legoland12342

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Promotional Products from LogoX

submitted by gloriahooper

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

That godforsaken aerial

No spoilers in this post, I promise.

Today, write about someone who, having been awoken in the middle of the night, goes out for a midnight jog, and finds themselves utterly and completely alone. Depending on where you place this character, this can be typical or completely baffling.

What is the character's first reaction upon their discovery? Do major facilities (power, water, etc.) still work? Do they wait for sunrise to discover the rest of the day?


submitted by legoland12342

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Saturday, September 15, 2012


"That ringing in your ears is the last time you'll ever hear that frequency." Coming from a line spoken in Children of Men, whether or not it's true, everyone has, at some point, experienced this "ringing" tone, being indescribable to those unaware, and leaving as quickly as it arrives.

Today, write about someone who is prone to random, occasionally violent outbursts, seemingly connected to tinnitus episodes. Though the character in question believes it is something else entirely, many others have gone on the record arguing otherwise.

What does the character believe? How do they take the news that they are "wrong?" What exactly happens in these episodes?

I've got a few more lined up, but in the meantime, have fun!

submitted by legoland12342

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Language barrier

Today, write about someone whose life has been substantially altered by someone miscommunicating something years ago, perhaps not even to the narrator/person in question. For those that obsess about communication, being consumed by a misunderstanding is not entirely out of reach, particularly if one chooses to throw in a dash of the surreal.

Tomorrow...I'll plan out a week's worth of prompts, somehow. I promise.

submitted by legoland12342

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Missing histories

Today, we're able to record anything and everything. Why do phones come with cameras, voice recorders, note-taking applications, and many more? Though higher-end cameras can run into the thousands of dollars, many people today opt for a lower-end, yet entirely functional "point-and-shoot," in order to record memories wherever they see fit. Multiple photo-sharing websites such as flickr, imgur, Photobucket, and others serve as a way to upload and preserve these memories for as long as the server space allows. 50 years ago, perhaps even as early as 30 years ago, this simply wasn't possible, not without a professional's access to equipment and processing stations.

Today's prompt, inspired by learning about Tibetan history (and their Dark Age), along with a blog post on one, ask you to consider what would happen if the collective physical memory of someone simply disappeared. Though people can still remember (and see this person), all photos, certificates, official documents, etc., have vanished.

What does that mean for anyone attempting to navigate today's increasingly connected world? Who would be affected the most by it? What sort of meaning do photos really have?


submitted by legoland12342

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Friday, September 7, 2012

I waited in the rain for you

Today's prompt is precisely as you would think: write a story (or poem) about someone who waited for far too long in the rain, and their thoughts about it afterward. The narrator can be waiting for another's train running late, or just outside another's house, waiting for them to come out.

Sorry about the lack of posts recently, apparently, being in China means that all of my inspiration that I had over the summer has flown out the window. We'll get there, though. Enjoy!

submitted by legoland12342

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Push the Envelope... (x-writingprompts)

Write about a time you, or your character, pushed the envelope to the line. When did you, or your characters, keep pushing and pushing until the situation reached almost a breaking point? What was the end result?

submitted by jasonbeastt

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Saturday, September 1, 2012


Today, imagine a major metropolitan area that has been utterly wiped clean of any and all brands, leaving the citizens to either construct their own renditions thereof, or simply leave the blank space as is. This means that where there would not only be billboards but logos, trademarks, anything that uniquely identifies a company, would be replaced with a completely white space, free for anyone to draw and recreate it.

Are there those who couldn't go a few city blocks without be assaulted with colourful and invasive advertisements? Are there those that would only seek to deface and twist existing versions thereof? What distinguishes companies from one another that could quite easily be interchanged?

Enjoy the rather blank mental image!

submitted by legoland12342

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Foot traffic

This time, I swear. Aside from a few trips into the countryside in a few months, I am actually at a place with solid internet now.

Today, write about someone who has an immense, yet inane phobia. This can be a botanist who fears the color green, someone who walks the fifteen kilometers to work every day because they fear wheels, or some other humorous juxtaposition.

Is there a support group for such sufferers of various extreme phobias? Is it obvious there is a problem? How does one cope daily?

If I've posted a prompt like this (or any further prompt) before, just let me know and I'll come up with a new one. Either way, enjoy!

submitted by legoland12342

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

All too human

Today's prompt has been inspired in part by one William Gibson, author of the creatively complex Neuromancer, and generally well-written but at times headscratchingly obtuse technology-influenced novels. Or something like that.

Anyway, today, write about someone who, as a form of a mid-life crisis, has to come to the grips that they really are human. Perhaps someone stuck in the idea that they are an invincible businessman, coming across as a adolescent manchild, or someone experiencing death for the first time in their life. For someone who seeks avoidance to life's problems, forcing someone to stare them down every now and then might be good for them.

Still traveling across the country right now, but I should resume regularly posting prompts again soon!

submitted by legoland12342

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Delightfully enough, I think I'm the target of a downvote bot, for seemingly nearly every time I put a post up, about 10 minutes later it's been downvoted. Dunno how I can prove it though.

Anyway, here's today's prompt. For many people around the world, apartment housing is their only option as they attempt to make a living in a rather curious job market. It seems that while in the Western world, privacy is valued between tenants, elsewhere, neighbors will become friends, sharing food, gossip, and anything else that they can.

Today, write about a series of apartments that, by one reason or another, is forced to enter into a community with each other. Whether due to unsafe streets, city mandate, or just trying to discover more about each other, write about the dynamics that might arise from such a situation, or just the thoughts of someone who utterly hates all of her neighbors. Have fun!

submitted by legoland12342

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

NSFW Cover...

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

Write about a time you, or your character, misjudged based on outward appearances. Write about a time you, or a character, gained something from an outward judgement.

submitted by jasonbeastt

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